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Information Night
START DATE: Tuesday, 01 September 2020 |
Visit the profile page for
Alia College, Hawthorn East VIC
START TIME: 7:15 |
The event started -1577 days ago |
Alia College, Hawthorn East VIC |
Information Night |
Information nights are a wonderful way for parents to get a sense of the school environment and to ask both students and teachers any question they may have. A typical information night consists of a student-led tour of the school, followed by a group question and answer session, finishing with a talk led by Bob, the principal. Information nights officially finish at 8.45 pm, however, visitors can leave at any stage throughout the evening. Students, as well as parents, are encouraged to attend. All ages are welcome. We encourage you to give us a call or email us to inform us you’ll be attending.
Contact Phone: (03) 9822 9622 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alia College
405 Tooronga Road
Hawthorn East VIC 3123
Hits : 428