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Monday, 16 August, 2021

A new elite sports training program is on offer to student athletes at Matthew Flinders Anglican College on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, delivered by the Sunshine Coast Sports Institute (SCSI). 

Flinders and the SCSI have joined forces to deliver the SCSI @ Flinders Fitness Centre High Performance Program before and after school on campus in the College gym. 

The program is well timed as young athletes across the country dream of representing their country following the recent announcement that Brisbane will host the 2032 Olympics. 

Flinders students will benefit from individualised, sports-specific training and monitoring delivered by the SCSI’s high performance coaches and sports scientists. 

The SCSI team have experience managing and training numerous high performance athletes, including hockey star Aymee Dowell and surf lifesaver Conor Loughnan who is an Old Flinderian alumni.


Flinders Head of Sport, Mr Adam Ridgewell said the partnership was a valuable offering for young athletes. 

The program will include fitness testing sessions, professional workshops with guest speakers, an athlete monitoring system, strength, speed and conditioning programs, recovery programs, injury management, and return-to-play programs.

“Flinders is proud to be partnering with SCSI as it delivers the most highly regarded elite athlete support program in the region,” Adam said.

“It’s exciting for our student athletes to have access to this expert SCSI team here on campus,” he said. 

“We know our students will enjoy learning how to train sensibility to prevent injury and also to recover from injury to minimise time out of sport. 

“And Flinders parents will also be happy with this new offering as it saves them time driving their children to outside venues for quality sports training.” 

The program will be directed by the SCSI’s High Performance Director Nanette Latta, who over the last 20 years has worked with many elite sporting teams. 

Flinders Year 11 student, Georgia Butt is involved in many school, club and representative sports teams, including the Flinders Firsts teams for Netball and Touch Football, as well as the USC Thunder U18 Rugby League State Titles Team. 

Georgia has had great success training with the SCSI coaches. 

“The coaches have helped me to increase my overall strength and physical performance, and are extremely attentive,” Georgia said. “They ensure that all my training goals are achieved while encouraging me to maintain a positive mindset. 

“I’ve also learned how to monitor my load, recover, prepare and fuel myself during all competitions and activities.” 

Flinders students will receive invitations to join the program in Week 6 of Term 3.

About the SCSI @ Flinders Fitness Centre High Performance Program 

The College will offer the SCSI @ Flinders Fitness Centre Program to all students in the Flinders Elite Athlete Program, and as an optional paid program for talent-identified Flinders students across all sports. 

Program director Nanette said, “We know that our training system enables athletes to get the most out of their training, to stay motivated and to achieve the training and sports goals they set for themselves. 

“Our SCSI team look forward to teaching Flinders’ young athletes to monitor and analyse their wellness, training loads and program using an athlete monitoring system,” she said. 

“These are skills they can use throughout their sporting careers and in life.” 

Membership in the SCSI @ Flinders Fitness Centre Program will provide students with access to fitness testing sessions, professional workshops with guest speakers, an athlete monitoring system, strength, speed and conditioning programs, recovery programs, injury management, and return-to-play programs.

BIOGRAPHY:  Program director, Nan Latta, Sunshine Coast Sports Institute 

The SCSI @ Flinders Fitness Centre Program will be directed by the SCSI’s High Performance Director Nanette Latta, who over the last 20 years has worked as a High Performance Manager, Sports Scientist, Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Coach in elite sporting teams. 

Nan’s work includes for teams the Newcastle Knights and North Queensland Cowboys NRL teams, Queensland Academy of Sport, International Rugby Academy, GWS AFL Academy, Margaret Court Tennis Academy, National Masters Hockey Teams and one on one with many Australian Institute of Sport scholarship athletes.

The SSCI coaches are training top athletes including Aymee Dowell, Australian Womens U21 & Open Indoor Hockey Teams 2021; and Conor Loughnan, Australian Surf Lifesaving Beach Sprint Silver Medalist 2021.

For media queries, please contact Alison Walburn at Matthew Flinders Anglican College, Community Engagement Team on 07 5477 3200 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.