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  1. rachel
  2. About Private Schools
  3. Sunday, 14 August 2022
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I am hoping you can give me some advice. My family and I are UK citizens and moving to Perth in January 2023. We have never visited but have family in Perth.
I have two children aged 10 and 12. they're currently doing very well in good British schools. I am trying to find a very good government school or private school in or around Perth. Not knowing the areas is making it hard though as you can imagine.
We are looking to live in a quiet area with a bit of space around us but my husband also needs to commute to Perth city and is happy to travel approx 45 minutes each way.
We have read and seen photos of areas such as Serpentine, Jarrahdale and Mandura which look good t us. However, most importantly is the children's education.
If you are able to offer some advice on suggested schools that are well regarded and produce good exam results, that would be much appreciated.
Also, their DOB is as follows so Im not even sure what school year they would start in? Grace 19 June 2010, Oscar 3 Novemebr 2011
Many thanks
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