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Privacy Statement/Disclaimer

Port Bimbi Pty Ltd understands that privacy is important to all its clients and customers. Personal information retained by this company is not passed on to any third party at any time.

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Port Bimbi Pty Ltd will collect information from customers to enable shipment of the Schools Guide only. No credit card details are stored by this website. All payments are accepted via PayPal. Other details are retained for payment and/or delivery purposes only and are not passed on to any third parties.

General Requests
Port Bimbi Pty Ltd may respond to general enquiries via email or telephone. Personal information is retained for reply purposes only. No personal information will be made available to any interested parties and only School information which is readily available within the Schools Guide Magzazine and/or this website will be passed on.

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Schools Guide does not provide any data appearing on this site as a downloadable file, spreadsheet or similar format.

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Port Bimbi Pty Ltd would like your Internet experience to be a safe and enjoyable one. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement you can contact us at:
Telephone: 1300 724 437
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Schools Guide Helpdesk

Schools Guide provides a limited helpdesk service to assist users in narrowing down schools that may be suitable for their needs. Schools Guide does not rate or rank schools and does not receive any payments, recompense or reimbursements from any school for being suggested by this service. This service is intended for general assistance only. In most cases a range of likely suitable schools will be suggested. These schools may not be an exhaustive list and may not be the most suitable for a particular child. Individuals and families should do their own research before enrolling at any school.


School Visitor's Star Ratings

Many school pages appearing on this site contain a rating system allowing visitors to the site to post a rating for each school. Ratings are scored from 0 to 6 stars with six stars reperesenting what that visitor considers to be an excelent school.

The system is designed to allow a single vote per school per visitor per session to avoid having visitors rate schools overly unfairly or excessively and allow the site to, progressively over time, portray the average rating given by a wide number of different vistors. Ratings do not necessarily represent an accurate value of, or quality of, any school and should not be regarded as an accurate portayal of a school's capacity to educate or otherwise school a child. All ratings appearing on this site are entirely independent scores provided by the visitors to this site as they see fit. Those visitors may or may not have an accurate understanding of the school and may or may not score impartially. Parents should not use the ratings as a guide to what constitutes a good school or otherwise.

Port Bimbi Pty Limited does not take responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the scores presented other than to provide a working system that accurately accounts for the votes as entered by each individual who has visitied the pages of this site and has taken the opportunity to offer a rating.

Should any school have a concern regarding its rating Port Bimbi Pty Ltd encourages it to use its login (every school on this site is enabled with a free login which enables the school to fully manage their content) and simply disable the Ratings system for their page. Please contact Schools Guide staff if you do not know your login details or would like instructions on disabling your ratings system. Alternatively, please feel free to contact Schools Guide staff at any time and request your ratings be disabled. If you believe your ratings have been represented inaccurately please feel free to request a reset. Schools Guide staff hope that every school is rated fairly and where errors occur or inaccuracies are evident we will happily reset any school's rating. Where a reset is performed the system will return to a score of 0 ratings from a total of 0 users for that school. On that school's page it will show 6 blank stars representing a score of 'not yet rated' until such a time as a visitor places a new vote.


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To the extent permitted by law, Port Bimbi Pty Ltd will not be liable in any way (including for negligence) for any loss, damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred by you or claims made against you through your use of this Site, the unavailability of this Site or in connection with any products, services or information advertised, offered or supplied through this Site.
Some images supplied by schools and other advertisers for use in the Schools Guide publications may appear on this website. Generally, all advertisers have agreed to allow Port Bimbi the use of their images for the purposes of advertising the Schools Guide publication and/or website. Due to the nature of the publications some images may contain minors. Port Bimbi Pty Ltd assumes that any individuals (including minors) appearing in such images have agreed to do so, or have been permitted to appear by a parent or guardian. Port Bimbi Pty Ltd has no way of verifying who the individuals may be or whether they have agreed to appear in any particular image, and as such accepts no responsibility for individuals appearing in any images supplied by advertisers. This responsibility lies with the advertiser. If you have any concerns over the use of an image it should be taken up with the advertiser involved prior to contacting Port Bimbi Pty Ltd. If you have any other concerns about any images appearing on this site please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Please use the following copy:

Private Schools Guide

Australia's premier private schools directory. School profiles, Open Days, school videos, school reviews, school maps, images and contacts.



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Private Schools Guide

If you would like us to place a reciprocal link on this site please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Generally we will only place school-related links or links of interest to parents and students on this site, however please feel free to contact us if you have another type of site link in mind.