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Private School marketing made easy!


magsSchools Guide Magazine Advertising

  • Sydney, Victoria and Queensland Editions printed annually
  • Available FREE from Child Care Centres and Real Estate agencies
  • Distributed FREE
  • Available online FREE (plus postage costs)
  • Digital version online. FREE to view and download
  • View on any device


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schools guide website advertising Schools Guide Website Listings and Platinum Feature Pages

Showcase your school to the world. Australia's most-visited private schools website.

Reach virtually every parent searching for a non-government school in Australia.

Over 750,000 human visits in 2019 alone. If you are not on here you are losing enrolments.

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Schools Guide Events CalendarSchools Guide Website Events Calendar

Promote your upcoming Open Day or School Tour for $11 per Event or upgrade your school's subscription to publish unlimited Events throughout the year.

Contact us to publish a single event >

Click here to register or upgrade now >


Schools Guide Website Bannner Advertising

Clickable adverts embedded on various pages.

Only got $11 to spend? No problem, we have positions available and for only $11 we can get your message shown 1,000 times.

Looking to attract attention in exactly the right region to exactly the right audience? We can do that too. We have huge premium positions available to suit.

Banner Rate Card >



Schools Guide Website Advertising

Website advertising For Schools For Businesses and other advertisers

Schools of every type from the biggest to the smallest can benefit from the massive exposure available on the Schools Guide website. For as little as $11 you can promote an upcoming event or Open Day on the schools guide home page and Events Calendars. For only $88 per year your school can upgrade to an expanded listing or for less than $46 per month why not showcase everything your school has to offer with a Platinum Feature page.

Platinum feature pages offer almost unlimited content. You can add images, text, videos and as an added bonus you have unlimited access to the Events Calendar for promoting your upcoming Open Days and School Events Free.

We even offer Free Listings for Every Private School. Click this link to add your free listing.

Our Events Calendar is perfect for any business wishing to promote upcoming events at only $11 per event. Or, create your own banner ad campaign to target region-specific visitors. No contracts and you can choose how long you wish your ad to display. Campaigns start from only $11.


Advertising information for Businesses 

Schools Guide offers a range of options for businesses to advertise. 

Magazine Advertising for Business

Magazine advertisingschools guide website advertising  Magazine advertisement plus Platinum Web Feature - Advertising in the Schools Guide Magazine and receive a free Platinum Business feature page on this website.

Website Advertising for Business

Option 1 -  schools guide website advertising Platinum Feature Page for Business $770 per year (click here to sign up)

Option 2 -  Banner Advertising Campaign starting from $11 CPM. Free registration. Login provided to keep track of your campaign results.

Find out more here >


Popular Packages for Schools


Magazine advertising+ schools guide website advertisingSchools Guide Events Calendar Magazine advertisement plus Platinum Web Feature + unlimited access to add Events and Open Days for 12 months plus free magazine editorial space (equal to the size of your advertisement space)

NOTE: currently available for Qld, NT, Sydney and Vic schools only

Business advertisers are offered the same bonus space for display advertising only

2. schools guide website advertising + Schools Guide Events Calendar Platinum Web Feature $770 per year + unlimited access to add Events and Open Days for 12 months

3. Schools Guide Events CalendarEvents Calendar
Only $11 per event. Promote your next Open Day. Unlimited exposure until the day of your event



Add your school for FREE:

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