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Students in Senior Primary at Matthew Flinders Anglican College have embraced the challenge to design a new world-class city from the ground up!

In partnership with Queensland University of Technology Design Lab and experts in design, the College hosted a ‘Design for Impact Summit’ at Flinders Performance Centre on October 6 and 7.

A short video of the Summit highlights is shared here.

The Design for Impact Summit involved our Year 5 and Year 6  students, with assistance from some of our Years 9 and 10 students, as part of an exciting design thinking immersion experience, inspired by real-life city planning.

The city planning challenge was based on real demographic data that notes:

– the Sunshine Coast is one of the fastest growing regions in Australia;

– for the first time in history, the majority of the world’s population lives in cities; and
– by 2050 it is estimated that three quarters of the world’s population will live in cities.

Head of Primary Mrs Trudi Edwards said Flinders was committed to being a leading school in design thinking.

“The Design for Impact Summit challenged our students to look at the world differently,” Trudi said.

“Working in collaborative teams, our students were asked to be ‘future thinkers’,” she said.

“Their task was to imagine, design and prototype a smart, healthy, happy and sustainable Maroochydore City Centre for 2050.

“This is all part of our College’s aim to give our students from Prep to Year 6 diverse and rich opportunities to experience first-hand the energy, excitement and possibility of design thinking.”

The Design Challenge

During the Summit, each student team was given a large-scale 3-D cardboard base cut-out of a different precinct as part of the greater city.

Teams were responsible for designing and then constructing their precinct using cardboard, collage material, recycled plastic, and other construction materials.

Once the precincts were completed with 3-D design features, the pieces were fitted together to construct a large-scale model of the future city.

The students’ work was disrupted when various expert consultants and leaders in the community ‘dropped by’ virtually to offer issues.

Issues were presented by a town planner, architect, politician, olympian, permaculturalist, local Indigenous artist and cultural performer, educational consultant, art gallery curator and Sunshine Coast Council consultant.

The students were challenged to understand and respond to the issues as they designed and constructed their group’s large-scale 3-D city precinct.

Design Thinking and Character Development

Trudi Edwards said, “Design thinking is important because it helps our students to develop social and emotional skills, creative and critical thinking.

“Students also learn skills of empathy, collaboration and problem solving which are vital for leadership, community service and entrepreneurship when making a genuine difference in the lives of others,” she said.

“The Summit was an exciting opportunity for our College to generate a unique learning experience for our students.

“We enjoyed a successful working partnership with top tertiary institution QUT’s Senior Lecturer Dr Natalie Wright as well as with Sunshine Coast Council representatives and with many leaders in our community, including Leighann Ness Wilson, Director of Create Ed and Justin Hill, a design educator and consultant.

“The Summit outcomes will be transferred to our Primary School’s i-Impact units and other subject areas where we explore and develop skills in entrepreneurship, community service and leadership in action.”

Over the two-day Summit, students considered:

– how ‘change’ impacts cities, technology and behaviour;

– how cities work now;

– how to use their imagination to project into the future; and

– how their precinct would fit with the other precincts to make a 3-D model of a viable future city.

Design for Democracy

Flinders’ Head of Teaching and Learning, Debbie Planck said the Summit was also an opportunity for students to understand the importance of active democratic participation and the power of collective decision-making.

“Flinders is part of the highly lauded international Round Square network of member schools and so, over the two days, students used Round Square’s Ideal of Democracy,” Debbie said.

“As a result, students learned positive teamwork and negotiation skills built on democratic principles and experienced the meaning of respect, equality, mutual cooperation, persuasion and good communication,” she said.

“What’s more, the Summit gave each student a unique opportunity to explore their creativity and take ownership of their learning in an exciting and practical way.

“It is astounding to consider the breadth and scope of engaged learning that occurred over just two days.

“In teams, students learned about governmental development processes, the design process in the realm of urban design, and how to be active participants in the design of their future on the Sunshine Coast.

“We knew that our Year 5 and 6 students were ready for this challenge and it was wonderful to see them thrive in such a dynamic, collaborative and high-energy environment.

“The learnings from the event will help us to fine tune the process so that we can involve more students in 2021 across our College of 1,300 students from Prep to Year 12.”

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