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  1. Peter Ong
  2. Schooling Information for International Students
  3. Friday, 13 September 2013
  4.  Subscribe via email
My daughter, Madison, is at international preschool in Hang Zhou. We will return to Coogee, NSW in Jan 2016 and she will be starting Kindergarten. I would like to enrol her in a private coed school. What are my best options? Thanks Peter Ong
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Schools Guide Admin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Schools Guide Admin
If your child is looking for a school that accepts international students your best option is to complete the form on the following page. A friendly representative can assist you.<br />

If your child is Australian your best option would be to start with the following page:[0]=Co-educational&cb_religiousaf=&cb_years=K&cbsecuritym3=cbm_6b6e0d3e_4e7ef724_ae867567562329a8a46e902ecefcbf63&name=&search=
You'll note we've filtered the list to display all schools in Sydney East that are co-educational and include kindergarten. There are 17 schools that meet your criteria.
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