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Schools Guide Help Desk and Forum
  1. Kerstin Schultz
  2. Schooling Information for International Students
  3. Wednesday, 19 June 2013
  4.  Subscribe via email
Dear Sirs,
Our daughter Katrin (15 Years) would like to study the first term of 2014 (28th of Jan to 11th of April) at a school in Sydney. We are looking for a school where she can visit year 10.
She will stay with very close friends of us, who are living in Marrickville /Sydney. Can you recommend me a list of schools which are affodable.
The Australien Ambassy told us that she should apply for a tourist visa (e676) which allows to study 1 Term and to stay up to 6 month.

thanks for your help

Kerstin Schultz from Germany
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Schools Guide Admin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Schools Guide Admin
The following link will provide you with a filtered list of only those (60) schools in Sydney that are able to accept internationals students. We cannot provide any information on whether any of those schools have short term vacancy for the first term of 2014. You will need to select your preferred schools and contact them individually.
However, rather than simply contacting every school we would recommend using the map at the bottom of that page to locate schools that are near to where you will be staying while in Sydney. The map is not filtered (which means it displays around 500 Sydney schools). But any schools that are nearby on the map AND also appear on the list above are where you should start your search.
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